Monday, January 9, 2017

Why 2016 Was a Waste

img_0933 Almost everyone I know feels the same way—last year wasn’t our best.  We all have our different reasons.

For me, it started with six months of insomnia.  Six months of sleeping only 3 hours a day.  My friends and family now tell me that they started worrying about me towards the end because I was getting a little weird.  Forgetful.  Thinking fuzzy thoughts.

It got so bad, I was afraid I was coming down with early onset dementia and that was before I read Still AliceI was scared but too tired to care.  All I wanted was a good night’s sleep.  Okay.  To be honest I did sleep more than 3 hours three times in the first six months.  I wouldn’t want to exaggerate.

I spent the last three months of 2016 with a hurt knee, unable to exercise and trying to take care of myself.  It wasn’t until December that my doctor said I could use the bike and not just rely on the physical therapy exercises I was doing.  I hate to exercise but I was so glad to finally have permission.

Now here I am, at the start of 2017, looking forward to a new year.  Today I begin a new workout program from Debbie Siebers.  I had already done and even enjoyed Slim in 6.  When I discovered she has a new program designed specifically for older people to be low impact, gentle on the joints, and still provide results, how could I resist?  After all, I have severe osteoarthritis and my knee still feels tender so I have to be careful while doing all that I can.

New year, new workout program.  I’ll share my thoughts as I go along, and more.  So much more.  I’m excited for 2017.  How about you?  Are you trying anything new this month or this year?  I hope so. And I hope you’ll leave a comment if you are.

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